What Are Lab Diamonds

What Are Lab Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds share the same chemical, physical, and optical qualities as mined diamonds, rendering them virtually identical to the naked eye and equally durable and brilliant.

These diamonds are cultivated through two primary methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD), with CVD generally yielding clearer stones.

Opting for lab grown diamonds not only contributes to environmental sustainability by lessening the ecological and social impacts of mining but also presents a more budget-friendly alternative without compromising on quality or selection in jewelry.

Defining Lab Diamonds

Lab grown diamonds are captivating alternatives to their naturally mined counterparts. What distinguishes them? Despite being cultivated in a controlled laboratory environment, these gems are chemically, physically, and optically indistinguishable from mined diamonds.

They possess the same crystal structure and boast a remarkable hardness of 10 on the Mohs scale. Importantly, lab grown diamonds are not mere simulants; they are authentic diamonds. Even in terms of their dazzling brilliance, both lab grown and mined diamonds compete head-to-head, exhibiting a comprehensive range of quality attributes.

Therefore, the next time you encounter a lab grown diamond engagement ring, recognize that its genesis may be the sole distinction from traditionally mined diamonds.

Composition and Propreties

Examining the composition of lab grown diamonds reveals a structure comprised of carbon atoms meticulously arranged into a diamond crystal lattice, mirroring the precise configuration found in mined diamonds. Consequently, the physical, optical, and thermal attributes of lab grown diamonds align seamlessly with those of their naturally occurring counterparts.

In terms of appearance, lab grown diamonds present an aesthetic virtually indistinguishable from mined diamonds. Remarkably, to the unaided eye, discerning between a lab grown diamond and one extracted from the earth proves virtually impossible. Both varieties exhibit a dazzling brilliance when expertly cut, underscoring the artistry involved in their creation.

Whether in petite or substantial sizes, lab grown diamonds boast exceptional clarity and color consistency, ensuring their enduring allure and sparkle remain undiminished over time. When adorning lab created diamond jewelry, one can take pride in donning the pinnacle of human ingenuity and elegance.

The Creation Process of Lab Grown Diamonds

Unveiling the Journey: From Carbon Seed to Lab Grown Diamond

The process of transforming a carbon seed into a radiant lab grown diamond unfolds through distinct phases, primarily orchestrated by two methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD). Drawing inspiration from nature's diamond-forming mechanisms, these methodologies harness minuscule carbon seeds derived from existing diamonds to replicate the natural formation process under extreme conditions.

High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT)

With historical roots dating back to the 1950s, the HPHT method stands as the pioneering technique for crafting lab grown diamonds. This process emulates the environmental conditions conducive to diamond formation by subjecting a small diamond seed to temperatures surpassing 1,000 degrees Celsius and pressures exceeding 1.5 million PSI.

While mirroring nature's course, the HPHT method does not always yield flawless results. Some HPHT diamonds may exhibit a faint yellow tint attributed to nitrogen exposure, echoing the diverse hues observed in naturally occurring diamonds.

Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD)

In stark contrast, Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) commences with a diamond seed positioned within a vacuum chamber saturated with carbon-rich gases. Elevated temperatures of approximately 800 degrees Celsius trigger the ionization of gases into plasma, facilitating the deposition of carbon layers onto the diamond seed.

Diverging from HPHT, the CVD technique operates under reduced pressure, requires smaller equipment, and is lauded for its capacity to produce diamonds characterized by superior clarity and precise proportions.

Ethical and Environmental Benefits

Choosing lab grown diamonds extends beyond mere aesthetics; it represents a conscious choice toward sustainability. These diamonds present a sustainable alternative to mined counterparts, significantly mitigating environmental impact by obviating the need for extensive mining activities and ecological disruptions.

Furthermore, select laboratories have embraced renewable energy sources like solar power to minimize carbon emissions during the diamond cultivation process. Lab grown diamonds also ensure ethical production practices, assuring consumers of the absence of human rights violations commonly associated with diamond mining. Nonetheless, the challenge persists in reducing carbon emissions in regions heavily reliant on fossil fuels, a challenge that LVN Jewellery addresses by offering 100% carbon-neutral lab grown diamonds in collaboration with Clear Neutral.

Comparing Lab Grown Diamonds and Mined Diamonds

In terms of value, the question arises: Are lab created diamonds a worthwhile investment? While lab grown diamonds typically retail for approximately 70% less than their mined counterparts, neither lab grown nor mined diamonds typically appreciate in value over time. However, the market for lab grown diamonds is expanding, with a projected global market volume nearing 19.2 million carats by 2030.

Rarity and Uniqueness

While traditional diamonds are often perceived as exceptionally rare, the reality paints a different picture. Since the discovery of major diamond mines in Africa, approximately 7.2 billion carats of diamonds have been extracted. If distributed equally among the global population, each person would receive nearly a carat of diamonds.

Lab grown diamonds offer several advantages:

  • Superior quality
  • Unique characteristics stemming from their controlled growth environment
  • Independence from monopolistic control or artificial scarcity
  • Consistently high quality

Lab Grown Diamond Jewellery Options

LVN Jewellery provides a diverse array of lab grown diamond jewellery options, ranging from engagement rings to earrings and necklaces. Each piece boasts the brilliance and allure synonymous with diamonds while embodying a commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing practices.

Lab grown diamonds, also known as lab diamonds, present a myriad of jewellery options, whether your interest lies in engagement rings or earrings, or you’re inclined towards vintage or halo rings. You can even create custom lab grown diamond jewellery online, selecting specific attributes such as colour, carat, shape, cut, and clarity for a personalised and unique design. 

With more brands like LVN Jewellery offering lab grown diamond jewellery, both in-person and through international e-commerce platforms, these diamonds are becoming increasingly accessible.

Identifying Lab Grown Diamonds

Discerning a lab grown diamond from a mined one isn’t straightforward. It’s not as simple as it seems. Trained gemologists use sophisticated equipment to detect subtle differences in growth morphology and unique fluorescence patterns that distinguish lab grown from mined diamonds.

Institutions like the GIA provide advanced identification technology and offer services for screening small diamond parcels to identify lab grown diamonds. Lab grown HPHT diamonds may show dark metallic inclusions and magnetic properties, whereas CVD diamonds do not, providing distinct physical indicators for identification. Lastly, grading reports and laser inscriptions found on the girdle of lab grown diamonds are crucial tools to verify a diamond’s lab grown origin.


The Future of Lab Grown Diamonds

In 2022, the worldwide market for lab grown diamonds stood at a value of US$22.45 billion. Predictions indicate that by 2028, this market's value is expected to reach US$37.32 billion.

With more younger generations opting for lab grown diamonds over naturally mined diamonds, it’s clear that lab created diamonds are seen in a positive light.


While size limitations for lab grown diamonds have historically been a challenge, recent advancements are rapidly changing this, allowing for larger stones to be produced. Lab created diamonds distinguish themselves by being grown in a laboratory using cutting-edge technology, reinforcing their position as a modern choice for consumers.


From their creation to their composition, and from their value to their future, lab grown diamonds are a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. They offer a dazzling, ethical, and environmentally friendly alternative to mined diamonds, without compromising on quality or sparkle. As technology advances and consumer mindsets evolve, lab grown diamonds continue to sparkle brighter on the horizon of the jewellery industry.

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